Parent Council

Welcome to your Northridge School Council and Home and School Association.

 School Council

 School Council works to improve student achievement and increase accountability of the education system. Your involvement in the School Council gives you the opportunity to enhance the partnership between parents, guardians, students, educators, principals, and the school board. Everyone and every idea is welcome.


 Connect with School Council

Attend a meeting


Share ideas with the feedback and input form

Join the Northridge School Council group on Facebook


 Upcoming meetings
Everyone is welcome to join the meetings that are held in person at the school with an option to join virtually. Meetings are usually 6:00-7:00pm in the Northridge Library and child care is available. Meetings are hybrid and a TEAMs link will be provided prior to the meeting time.


2024-25 Meetings: October 7, December 2, February 3, April 7 & June 2


Meeting dates are subject to change but will be communicated in advance through School Messenger to all families. Meeting dates for the upcoming year are determined at the last School Council meeting each year.

Meeting agendas and minutes
Agendas and minutes are shared with all families through the Northridge News weekly email.

If you would like to read past minutes, please contact us.


Home and School Association

Home and School works closely with School Council with a focus on fundraising.

 Connect with Home and School

 Attend a meeting


Join the Northridge Home and School group on Facebook

 Upcoming meetings
 Meetings are often held immediately after the School Council meetings.
